

  1. bogy, bogie, viholliskone, bogi.

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tehdä bogey puhekieltä The Devil.
A ghost, goblin, or other hostile supernatural creature.
(label) A bugbear: any terrifying thing.
1990, (w), The Great Game, Folio Society 2010, page 54:

If one man could be said to be responsible for the creation of the Russian bogy, it was a much-decorated British general named Sir Robert Wilson.
puhekieltä One of two sets of wheels under a locomotive or railcar; the structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi.
puhekieltä A bog-standard (representative) specimen taken from the center of production.
puhekieltä A standard of performance set up as a mark to be aimed at in competition.
puhekieltä An unidentified aircraft, especially as observed as a spot on a radar screen and suspected to be hostile.
puhekieltä (synonym of): a known hostile aircraft.
puhekieltä A score of one over par on a hole.
puhekieltä (altform): a piece of mucus in or removed from the nostril.
puhekieltä To make a bogey.
puhekieltä English bogey
puhekieltä (l)
ranska bogey, boguey
venäjä бо́гги


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