


  1. (alkuaine) lyijy


englanti puhekieltä likeness Likeness; resemblance; look aspect; species; character.

I see a bly of your father about you.

to live (somewhere)
to stay; to remain
lead (gloss)
puhekieltä ammunition for a firearm
2010, Niels Ole Qvist, Tango 4, Gyldendal A/S (ISBN 9788702106442)
Han holder af at stå i skyggen under bliktaget og spy bly ud over terrænet uden at blive forstyrret.
: He likes to stand in the shade under the roof and pump lead out over the terrain without being interrupted.
2015, Nicolai Lilin, Sibirisk opdragelse: Opvækst i en kriminel underverden, Art People (ISBN 9788771377347)
Mel skød som sædvanlig fuldstændig vildt, idet han forsøgte at lave maskingeværssalver med sin pistol, så der fløj bly i alle retninger.
: As usual, Mel shot wildly, as he attempted to make machine gun salvos with his pistol, so that lead went in all directions.
shy, timid
2014, Robyn Grady, Michelle Reid, Sandra Marton, Altid hos dig/Ægteskab på afveje/Den uskyldige pige, Förlaget Harlequin AB (ISBN 9789150784039)
Hun ligger som regel stadig inde i sengen. Hun er meget bly.
: She usually still lies in the bed. She is very shy.
2014, Lone Klint Grønbæk, Camino: Vandring og forandring, BoD – Books on Demand (ISBN 9788771450989), page 61
Daniella, den yngste af de 3 italienske nonner, var meget kontaktsøgende. Hun var, modsat de andre, endnu ikke bly, ydmyg og privat.
: Daniella, the youngest of the three Italian nuns, was very extroverted. She was, unlike the others, not yet shy, humble and private.
puhekieltä Reluctance to express thoughts.
1848, Nyt historisk tidsskrift, page 58
thi Konger og Stormænd have Alting undtagen Sandhedsmænd og behøve derfor meest de Bøger, som dristig uden Bly og Frygt paaminde os i alle vore Gierninger; de ere ikke alle troe Venner, der ere Kongetienere."
: for kings and lords have everything but men of truth and therefore are in greatest need of the books which, boldly and without worry and fear, remind us in all our doings that not all those who serve kings are faithful friends.
lead (material and chemical element, symbol Pb)
lead (qualifier)


  • blyigga: lyijy

  • blykari: lyijykynä

  • blyku: lyijy

  • blyygi: ujo / vaatimaton

  • blyysaa: valaista


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