
Tarkoititko: blues

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englanti In a blue manner; bluishly.
2004, Ellen Datlow, The Dark: New Ghost Stories:
I pursed my lips thoughtfully, then reached out to prod the bluely gleaming chest of the thing with, I suppose, some notion of rolling it off the bed, ...
2005, Brian Lumley, The House of Cthulhu: Tales of the Primal Land:
By now the bluely luminescent slug-gods were close indeed and their coughing calls loud in the darkness, ...
2011, Herman Melville, Lynn Michelsohn, In the Galapagos Islands with Herman Melville:
They formed an oval frame, through which the bluely boundless sea rolled ...
puhekieltä porpoise Porpoise.
1883, The Antiquary (page 260)
The Sussex fishermen call the porpoise 'Bluely'.


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