

  1. itkeä, kyynelehtiä, niiskuttaa, nyyhkyttää, pillittää, ruikuttaa, tuhista, parkua, vollottaa, nyyhkiä.

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itkeä, parkua, vollottaa To cry, whine or blubber (usually carries a connotation of disapproval).
1935, (w), Girl of the Goat God, in Dime Mystery Magazine, November 1935, Chapter IV,

The grotesquely ornamented goats, crazed by the Hamelin piping, stampeded toward him. They piled up, shoving one another from the causeway, screaming with almost human agony as the black mud and the quicksand caught them, screaming till their shrieks blubbed into silence.
1953, (w), (w), Collins, 1998, Chapter 1,
"(..) Yes. I know where she is. She's blubbing behind the gym. Shall I fetch her out?"
1989, (w), "Children of the Headmaster," in Collected Stories, Penguin, 1992, p. 1235-6,
Baddle, Thompson-Wright and Wardle had been caned for giving cheek. Thompson-Wright had blubbed, the others hadn't.
puhekieltä To swell; to puff out, as with weeping.
The act of blubbing.
1857, William Platt, Mothers and Sons: A Story of Real Life, London: Charles J. Skeet, Vol. 1, Chapter IX, p. 150,
(..) hang me, then, if I've the heart to come again to the old place, till I've had a thorough good blub, and that's the fact of it (..)
(attributively) swell Swollen, puffed, protrude protruding.


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