

  1. kärpänen, Calliphora, Calliphora-suku, lihakärpänen, raatokärpänen, Calliphora vicina.

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raatokärpänen, lihakärpänen Any of various fly flies of the family Calliphoridae that lay their eggs in rotting meat, dung, or open wounds.
1993, John Banville, Ghosts

What is a blow-fly? That is what I thought when I saw them: blow-flies. Is there something dead around here that has not yet begun to stink? I cannot discover where they are coming from; they just appear in the light of the lamp, attracted by the warmth, I suppose, and fly up against the bulb and then drop stunned on the table and flop about groggily until I sweep them away with my sleeve.


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