
Tarkoititko: blondiini

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englanti Any of various trees having red wood:
puhekieltä Certain eucalypts
{{quote-journal|journal=Scottish Geographical Magazine| volume=20| page=578|| year=1904 | passage=
1988, Tom Cole, Hell West and Crooked, Angus & Robertson 1995, p. 255:
I cut bloodwood saplings and shaped a new pair of shafts with an adze.
(vern), genus Corymbia (formerly (taxlink))
(vern), (taxlink) (formerly (taxlink))
puhekieltä A loblolly bay (tree) ((taxlink)).
(taxlink), a tree found in Central and South America.
Any of several trees from the genus Pterocarpus, of the African and Asian tropics.
(taxlink), a tree from Mexico.
puhekieltä The wood of such trees.


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