


  1. BrE|k=en puhekieltä|k=en kaveri, veikko, mies

Liittyvät sanat: lass



  1. mies, mieshenkilö, heppu, kaveri, jätkä, kundi.

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kaveri, jätkä puhekieltä A man, a fellow; an ordinary man, a man on the street. (defdate)
1930, w:P. G. Wodehouse|P. G. Wodehouse, w:Very Good, Jeeves|Very Good, Jeeves, 2006, Overlook Press, %22blokes%22+-intitle:%22bloke|blokes%22&dq=%22bloke%22|%22blokes%22+-intitle:%22bloke|blokes%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=M0XzTvT5AouOmQWzifm8Ag&redir_esc=y page 235,

The door flew open, and there was a bloke with spectacles on his face and all round the spectacles an expression of strained anguish. A bloke with a secret sorrow.
1931, w:Cab Calloway|Cab Calloway, w:Irving Mills|Irving Mills, w:Minnie the Moocher|Minnie the Moocher, lyrics of 1930, 31 and 33 versions,
She messed around with a bloke named Smoky.
1958, w:Brendan Behan|Brendan Behan, w:Borstal Boy|Borstal Boy, %22blokes%22+-intitle:%22bloke|blokes%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uDbzTqPNLITDmQW8r6GKAg&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22bloke%22|%22blokes%22%20-intitle%3A%22bloke|blokes%22&f=false page 281,
It was a Cockney bloke who had never seen a cow till he came inside. Cragg said it took some blokes like that, and city fellows are the worse.
2000, Elizabeth Young, Asking for Trouble, %22blokes%22+-intitle:%22bloke|blokes%22&dq=%22bloke%22|%22blokes%22+-intitle:%22bloke|blokes%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uDbzTqPNLITDmQW8r6GKAg&redir_esc=y page 19,
As her current bloke was turning out better than expected, I didn't see much of her lately.
puhekieltä a man who behaves in a particularly laddish or overtly heterosexual manner.
puhekieltä An anglophone man.
puhekieltä An exemplar of a certain masculine, independent male archetype.
2000 May 5, Belinda Luscombe, “,9171,996881,00.html Cinema: Of Mad Max and Madder Maximus”, Time:
‘The Bloke’ is a certain kind of Australian or New Zealand male. (..) The Classic Bloke is not a voluble beast. His speech patterns are best described as infrequent but colorful. (..) ¶ The Bloke is pragmatic rather than classy. (..) ¶ Most of all, the Bloke does not whinge.
block; a substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.


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