
Tarkoititko: blini

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englanti puhekieltä (alternative form of) (gloss).
puhekieltä quickly; forthwith


Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Book II, Canto III, stanza XVIII.
"Perdy, sir knight,' saide then th' enchaunter blive (..)

Hun blev læge da hun var 25 år. - She became a doctor when she was 25.

Vejret vil blive koldt når solen er gået ned. - The weather will become cold after the sun goes down.

be (used to form the passive voice)

Hunden blev druknet af drengen. - The dog was drowned by the boy.

amount (to total or evaluate)

Det bliver 10kr. - It amounts to 10kr.

remain (to continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity)

Hun blev da de andre gik - She remained when the others left.


blive rimmaa näiden kanssa:


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Läheisiä sanoja

blastula, blazer, bleiseri, blini, blokata, blokkaus

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