

  1. keitto, liemi, äyriäiskeitto.

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keitto, äyriäiskeitto A thick creamy soup made from fish, shellfish, meat or vegetables.


A pale pinkish brown colour.

(color panel)

puhekieltä A form of unglazed earthenware; biscuit.
Of a pale pinkish brown colour.
puhekieltä An extra turn, free point or some other advantage allowed.
1937 March 19, w:P. G. Wodehouse|Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, (w), London: w:Barrie & Jenkins|Herbert Jenkins, (w) 851336728; republished Woodstock, N.Y.: (w), 2002, w:International Standard Book Number|ISBN Special:BookSources/9781585672776 978-1-58567-277-6 , pages 137–138:
Going round with Angus McTavish carrying your bag, she mused, was equivalent to about four bisques to the opposition. Angus McTavish was the sort of man who, just by going about looking like a frozen asset, takes all the edge and zip out of a girl's game.
A free turn in a handicap croquet match.
A free point in a handicap real tennis match.
English bisque (soup, colour)
puhekieltä advantage
(conjugation of)
ranska t-needed (f)r, biscuit (m)
saksa t-needed de
venäjä густо́й суп (m)
romania biscuit (m)


bisque rimmaa näiden kanssa:

boutique, petanque

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