
Tarkoititko: betoni

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englanti puhekieltä One's best friend.
2007, Brigid Lowry, Things You Either Hate Or Love
You're supposed to be my bestie, Mel. We used to tell each other everything. So what's this Toby secret you can't tell me?
2008, Julie Kraut, Shallon Lester, Hot Mess: Summer in the City
Even back then, a party just wasn't a party without my bestie, and I was miserable for the last eight frames.
2009, Keleigh Crigler Hadley, Preacher
On the way home, I got a joke text from my bestie.
beast (qualifier)
(monikko) bestia|lang=it
(inflection of)
beast, wild animal
(monikko) bestia|lang=vec


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paikallistie, poistumistie, varapoistumistie, hätäpoistumistie, purkautumistie, perääntymistie, yksityistie, nelostie, oikeustie, tilustie

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