

  1. näkötorni, huvimaja, kesäsypressit, suku Bassia, suku Kochia, kesäsypressi, Bassia scoparia, Kochia scoparia, pensas, varpu.

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kesäsypressi puhekieltä A turret or other raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area.
1919, w:Ronald Firbank|Ronald Firbank, w:Valmouth Valmouth, Duckworth, hardback edition, p. 57,

"One evening," she went on, "while Madame Orio was fast asleep in her little belvedere (it being the good old lady's habit to repair there to rest after a bottle or two of red Padua wine), Manette and Marton left the widow's house noiselessly in the Campo San Zobenigo, and made their way running towards the Piazza of St. Mark's."
1982, (w), Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 761:
The most important thing, she reflected, as she stood on the balcony of the Mairie which formed a most useful belvedere over the town, was to make her appearance as commonplace and down at heel as possible ....
English belvedere
Having good visibility (used especially of tourist coaches)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


belvedere rimmaa näiden kanssa:

penkere, tere, mantere, tantere, sotatantere, kintere, jäntere, autere, gruyère

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