


  1. alkaa


englanti (obsolete spelling of)
{{quote-book|year=1474|author=Caxton|title=Game and Playe of the Chesse|chapter=|edition=|url=
to begin, (l) (initiate or take the first step into something.)

Jeg begynte nylig å lese Shakespeares verker.

I just recently started reading Shakespeares works.''

Gutten snublet i bakken og begynte å gråte.

The boy tripped and fell and started crying.

Ok, skal vi begynne?

OK, shall we begin?

Skynd deg, filmen begynner om ti minutter.

Hurry up, the movie starts in ten minutes.

Vel begynt er halvt fullendt.

A good start completes half the work. (Proverb; literally: "well began/started is half completed")

to begin (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.)

Eg begynte nyleg å lese verka til Shakespeare.

Gutten snubla i bakken og begynte å gråte.

The boy stumbled and fell and started crying.

Ok, shall we begin?

Hurry up, the movie starts in ten minuts.


begynne rimmaa näiden kanssa:

samaanne, paanne, saanne, toisaanne, kahtaanne, suhdanne, korkeasuhdanne, matalasuhdanne, laskusuhdanne, noususuhdanne

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