

  1. antikliimaksi, lopuksi, loppu, päätös, ilmaisutapa, tyyli, pettymys, sentimentaalisuus, tunteellisuus, imelyys, äitelyys.

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pettymys overdone Overdone or treacly attempts to inspire pathos.
1847, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, page 192:

I like you more than I can say; but I'll not sink into a bathos of sentiment...
puhekieltä depth Depth.
1638, Robert Sanderson, "A sermon preached at Newport in the Isle of Wight", II.101:
There is such a height, and depth, and length, and breadth in that love; such a βάθος in every dimension of it.
puhekieltä risible Risible failure on the part of a work of art to properly affect its audience, particularly owing to
1727, w:Alexander Pope|Alexander Pope, w:Peri Bathous|Peri Bathous:
While a plain and direct Road is pav'd to their ὐψος, or sublime; no Track has been yet chalk'd out to arrive at our βάθος, or profund.
anticlimax Anticlimax: an abrupt transition in style or subject from high to low.
banality Banality: unaffectingly cliché or trite treatment of a topic.
immaturity Immaturity: lack of serious treatment of a topic.
hyperbole Hyperbole: excessiveness
puhekieltä The ironic use of such failure for satiric or humorous effect.
puhekieltä A nadir, a low point particularly in one's career.
1814, w:Thomas Jefferson|Thomas Jefferson, Writings, IV.240:
How meanly has he closed his inflated career! What a sample of the bathos will his history present!


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