

  1. alue, piiri, maa, paronin arvo, tila, maaomaisuus, maat, tilukset, kruununmaa, kartano, asema, arvo, baronetin arvo.

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paronin arvo The domain of a baron or baroness, usually as part of a larger kingdom or empire.
puhekieltä (synonym of), an English administrative division originally reckoned as comprising 100 hides and in various numbers composing counties.
(ante) W. Petty, The Political Anatomy of Ireland, page 326:

In Ireland... an head constable for each barony or hundred, being 252.
1873, General Report on the Census of England, volume IV, page 181:
The Baronies appear to have been formed successively on the submission of the Irish chiefs... the territory of each constituting a barony.
puhekieltä Any large manor or estate, regardless of its owner's rank.
puhekieltä The baronage: the body of barons in a realm.
baronship Baronship, the rank or position of a baron.
puhekieltä The legal tenure of a baron's land; military tenure.


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