


  1. ilmapallo, kuumailmapallo

  2. puhekupla



  1. kuumailmapallo, ilmapallo, ilmaa keveämpi ilma-alus, sääilmapallo, lelu.

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paisua, turvota, pullistua

kuumailmapallo An inflatable buoyant object, often (but not necessarily) round and flexible.
Such an object as a child’s toy.
Such an object designed to transport people through the air.
puhekieltä A sac inserted into part of the body for therapeutic reasons; such as angioplasty.
A speech bubble.
A type of glass cup, sometimes used for brandy.
puhekieltä A ball or globe on the top of a pillar, church, etc.

the balloon of St. Pauls Cathedral in London''

puhekieltä A round vessel, usually with a short neck, to hold or receive whatever is distilled; a glass vessel of a spherical form.
puhekieltä A bomb or shell.
A game played with a large inflated ball.
puhekieltä The outline enclosing words represented as coming from the mouth of a pictured figure.
puhekieltä A woman’s breast.
puhekieltä To increase or expand rapidly.

His stomach ballooned from eating such a large meal.

Prices will balloon if we dont act quickly.''

puhekieltä To go up or voyage in a balloon.
puhekieltä To take up in, or as if in, a balloon.
puhekieltä To inflate like a balloon.
1944, (w), (w), "Peach Scanties,"
A puff of wind from the open door caught and ballooned the scanties; off they sailed, out the window billowing into freedom.


balloon rimmaa näiden kanssa:

eloon, umpisukkeloon

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