

  1. kulta.

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englanti puhekieltä darling Darling (gloss).
2013, "Jack", " Jack & Jill: On High School Relationships", The Torch (St. John's University), Volume 91, Issue 5, 28 August 2013, page 9:
And if you actually want to see your bae – you know, like in person – You(si) better set aside some of your refund check to pay for the $26 train ticket to a school that lingers outside of the tri-state area.
2014, Laken Howard, " Pillow Talk: Let's talk about V-day", The Current (entertainment insert of The Daily Northwestern, Northwestern University), 13 February 2014, page 3:
Your newsfeed gets clogged with statuses like “Happy Valentine’s Day to my bae! I’ve loved you so much ever since we first met three months, eight days, 11 hours and 27 minutes ago!”
2014, " How Steamy Is Your PDA?", Seventeen, June/July 2014, page 98:
A fresh pic of you and your bae on vacay together? Who wouldn't “like” that?!?
(alternative form of)
(non-gloss definition)


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reggae, jae, rae, hiekkarae, suolarae, lumirae, kivirae, tae, karkeistae

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