

  1. varamies, korvaaja, sijainen

  2. tukos

  3. vahvistus, lisäjoukot

  4. tietotekniikka|k=en varmuuskopio

Esimerkkejä backup sanan käytöstä:

If the goalkeeper is injured, we have a backup.

The blockage caused a backup in the plumbing.

Hes got a gun! You'd better send for backup.



  1. tuki, tukeminen, kannatus, kannattaminen, hyväksyntä, siunaus, hyväksyminen, osa, ääni, säestys, musiikillinen säestys, improvisoitu säestys, sijainen, locum tenens, tuuraaja, varamies, lomittaja.

Lisää synonyymejää



ruuhka, tukos



varamies A reserve or substitute.

If the goalkeeper is injured, we have a backup.

puhekieltä A copy of a file or record, stored separately from the original, that can be used to recover the original if it is destroyed or damaged.

After the power failure, we had to restore the database from backup.

An accumulation of material caused by a (partial) obstruction or (complete) blockage of the flow or movement of the material, or an accumulation of material that causes an overflow due to the flow being greater than the maximum possible flow.

The accident caused a mile-long backup on the highway.

The blockage caused a backup in the plumbing.

puhekieltä reinforcements

Hes got a gun - you better send for backup.''

standby Standby, reserve or extra.

I am only a backup player.

puhekieltä That is intended as a backup.

Make a backup copy of that file.

puhekieltä (l)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


backup rimmaa näiden kanssa:

make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup

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