

  1. Adrianmerellä puhaltava kylmä tuuli


englanti A initiation ceremony for males among the Aborigines of New South Wales.
A cold, often dry, northeasterly wind which blows, sometimes in violent gusts, down from mountains on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea. It also applies to cold, squally, downslope winds in other parts of the world.
2006, Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day, Vintage 2007, p. 650:
When the bora blew down from the mountains, announcing the winter, would he ride it on out of town?
(hu-inflection of)
puhekieltä to bore, drill
hole (small and undesirable abode)
butthole (anus)
(is-inflection of)
English bora (north-eastern wind)
(lv-inflection of)
(inflection of)
(inflection of) (Etymology 2)
(form of)
bearer (only attested in compounds)
to drill, penetrate


puhekieltä ball
puhekieltä fold
fine, excellent
puhekieltä squall


bóra rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ora, metafora, amfora, angora, floora, bakteerifloora, toora, pora, paineilmapora, omenapora

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