

  1. sydämen korvake, sydänkorvake, pussi, esikko, kultaesikko, Primula auricula.

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sydämen korvake

kultaesikko puhekieltä The external part of the ear
puhekieltä A small cone conical pouch projecting from either atrium of the heart
puhekieltä A pronounced thickening at the corner of a trilete spore, beyond the end of the laesura
puhekieltä The ornamental primrose w:Primula auricula|Primula auricula
{{quote-book|1919|Michael Wood|The White Island|url=|page=122
The external part of the ear; ear-lap.
54 (B.C.E) June 3, w:Cicero Marcus Tullius Cicero, in a letter to his brother Quintus:

Tu, quemadmodum me censes oportere esse et in re publica et in nostris inimicitiis, ita et esse et fore auricula infima scito molliorem.
: Whatever line you think I ought to take in politics and in treating my opponents, be sure I shall take, and shall be "gentler than any ear-lap." — 1899-1912, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, The letters of Cicero
The ear itself.
3rd–4th century (C.E), Appendix Probi:
auris non oricla
: Use auris, not oricla.
(inflection of)


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ula, aula, kaula, hampaankaula, pullonkaula, kohdunkaula, kenokaula, naula, sokkanaula, lankanaula

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