
Tarkoititko: atulat

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englanti puhekieltä (taxlink), a mullet of the family Mugilidae.
1855, Richard Taylor, Te Ika a Maui: Or, New Zealand and Its Inhabitants (page 133)
When the eyes of those who fish for eels are closed, the eyes of those who fish for the aua are open.
1872, ‎Frederick Wollaston Hutton, ‎Sir James Hector, Fishes of New Zealand: Catalogue with Diagnoses of the Species
The Picton Herring, a dried fish commonly known throughout the colony, is the Aua preserved by smoking.
1957, Rvd. P. Natalio Barrena, Gramatica Annobonesa, Instituto de Estudios Africanos, page 43:
bo da mi ja d’ aua;
: give me some water;
we (exclusive)
we are (exclusive)
ouch (expression of ones own physical pain'')
puhekieltä water
to survey, examine, trace out


auă rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kiehua, liehua, riehua, kehua, tanhua, kuohua, viuhua, puhua, ylipuhua, leijua

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