

  1. asenne

  2. tylyys, töykeys, nyrpeys

Esimerkkejä attitude sanan käytöstä:

I never liked his 'attitude'

:En koskaan pitänyt hänen asenteestaan



  1. kognitio, tietoisuus, tajunta, teeskentely, maneeri, manerismi, poseeraaminen, teennäisyys, asenne, asento, kanta, käsitys, mielipide, näkökanta, luottamus, usko, hyväksyminen, kulttuuri, puolustuskanta, puolustusasenne.

Lisää synonyymejää





asenne The position of the body or way of carrying oneself; posture.

The ballet dancer walked with a graceful attitude.

disposition Disposition or state of mind.

... but had a lazy attitude to work.

puhekieltä A negative, irritating, or irritated attitude; posturing.

Dont give me your attitude.''

Youve got some attitude, girl!''

puhekieltä The orientation of a vehicle or other object relative to the horizon, direction of motion, other objects, etc.

The airliner had to land with a nose-up attitude after the incident.

puhekieltä A position similar to arabesque, but with the raised leg bent at the knee.
2007, Gayle Kassing, History of Dance: An Interactive Arts Approach, page 134,
Blasis was a man of many accomplishments. He invented the ballet position of attitude and codified the ballet technique of that time, distinguishing three types of dancers: the serious, the demi-caractère, and the comic dancer.
To assume or to place in a particular position or orientation; to pose.
1823, Felix M'Donogh, The Hermit Abroad, Volume 1, page 122,
(..) nymphs of quality, formed for the offices of love and of conversation, are attituded about her, each star set as it were in surrounding satellites of admirers;(..)
1837, William E. Burton, The Gentlemans Magazine'', Volume 1, page 123,
Attituded like an inspired curling-tongs, leaning back heavily on his right leg, and throwing forward his left, his arm elevated to a level with his shoulder, the clenched fist grasping a brush that might have been available in (..)
1971, w:American Astronautical Society|American Astronautical Society, Advances in Astronautical Sciences, Volume 29, Part 2, page 395,
The attituded control gyro package, electronics, APS gas supply, and the preentry electronics are mounted internally, and are distributed circumferentially at the major ring.
To express an attitude through one's posture, bearing, tone of voice, etc.
2002, Wayne Normis, The Last Street Fighter, page 33,
He attituded his way over to me, got up close, and just stood there looking at me, trying to appear threatening.
2008, Yvonne Müller, "The Absentee": an Interpretation - an Analysis of Maria Edgeworths Novel'', page 12,
The typical characteristic attituded toward the English is coldness.
2010, R. Scott, Nine Months and a Year Later, page 82,
I was really tripping, 'cause this nigga had the nerve to be attituded up when he was the one always doing something he had no business doing.
(l), (l)
ranska condescendant
saksa herablassend
kreikka συγκαταβατικός (m)
puola protekcjonalny
venäjä снисходи́тельный
ruotsi nedlåtande


attitude rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haude, vesihaude, laude, cum laude, kude, matonkude, kuviokude, lude, linssilude, typpylude

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