at hand

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


at hand

  1. lähellä oleva, lähellä, käsillä oleva, käsillä, lähestyvä, uhkaava, välitön, odotettavissa oleva, tuleva, saatavilla oleva, saatavilla.

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käsillä, lähellä

käsillä oleva Within easy reach; nearby.

I dont have the information at hand, but I can look it up.''

near Near; soon; approaching; imminent.
1903, w:Jack London|Jack London, s:The Call of the Wild|The Call of the Wild, Scholastic Books, Inc. (1963), page 20,
He felt it, as did the other dogs, and knew that a change was at hand.
puhekieltä Currently receiving attention.
2001, Ghaith Mahmood, " Problem is about oppression, not coexistence", The Daily Bruin,
The problem at hand is not the inability of the Arabs and the Jews to live together peacefully.


"Pure maidens fall into the hand of hot and forcing violation."


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big band, chateaubriand, dixieland

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