

  1. suora, suora viiva, asymptootti.

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asymptootti puhekieltä A straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely, as they go to infinity. The limit of the curve, its tangent "at infinity".
puhekieltä Anything which comes near to but never meets something else.
1860: Frederic William Farrar, An Essay on the Origin of Language,,+in+relation+to+thought,+must+ever+be+regarded+as+an+asymptote.%22&hl=en&ei=e9QrTMnEGpCaOPWDjbMJ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAAv=onepage&q=%22Language%2C%20in%20relation%20to%20thought%2C%20must%20ever%20be%20regarded%20as%20an%20asymptote.%22&f=false page 117

Language, in relation to thought, must ever be regarded as an asymptote.
puhekieltä To approach, but never quite touch, a straight line, as something goes to infinity.
2006: Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Perimeter of Ignorance Neil deGrasse Tyson: Take 2 - Why evolution is true. 25 February 2013
As you become more scientific, yes, the religiosity drops off, but it asymptotes.
puhekieltä (l)


asymptote rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ote, vuoro-ote, niskaote, vastaote, entrecôte, tiedote, siitepölytiedote, lehdistötiedote, vaahdote, ranneote

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