


  1. (anatomia) valtimo

Esimerkkejä arter sanan käytöstä:

arterite lubjastumine – valtimoiden kalkkeutuminen

Liittyvät sanat: tuiksoon

Liittyvät sanat: arteria, arterioskleroosi.


englanti (eye dialect of)
1861, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, w:Great Expectations|Great Expectations, chapter 3,
His right name was Compeyson; and that's the man, dear boy, what you see me a-pounding in the ditch, according to what you truly told your comrade arter I was gone last night.
Id., chapter 39,
It was the money left me, and the gains of the first few year wot I sent home to Mr. Jaggers - all for you - when he first come arter you, agreeable to my letter.
2000, Alexander Kent, Colours Aloft!, McBooks Press, ISBN 0935526722, page 115,
"Is he asleep at last?"...
"Aye, sir. So 'e should, arter what I put in 'is Madeira!"
(plural indefinite of)
(inflection of)


arter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter

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