

  1. arsenaali



  1. aseistus, varustus, asetehdas, asepaja, asevarasto, asevarikko, arsenaali, aseet, valimo, sotilaslaitos.

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arsenaali, asevarasto

aseistus A military establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel; an armoury.
A stock of weapons, especially all the weapons that a nation possesses.
A store or supply of anything.
(quote-journal) (Review)|date=21 January 2014|passage=Foremost in her arsenal is that smile – so enormous and so absurdly disarming that someone should have worked out a way to harness its power into international conflict resolution.
Any supply of aid collected to prepare a person or army for hardship

He arrived with a large arsenal of cleansers and tools, and got right to work.

Elyse Saugstad, a professional skier, wore a backpack equipped with an air bag, a relatively new and expensive part of the arsenal that backcountry users increasingly carry to ease their minds and increase survival odds in case of an avalanche.
puhekieltä English arsenal
(l) (gloss)
English arsenal


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