
Tarkoititko: arrakki

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englanti a form of (l), occurring in (l) and (l), in which a group of (l) (l) a location (usually a (l) or (l)) and (l) every (l) in it.
2000, Shoshanna Kira Lurie, Funk and hip-hop transculture in the "divided" Brazilian city, Stanford University, pageão%22search_anchor page 146:
Banck (1994: 54) argues that the arrastão, then, cannot be explained only as a survival strategy of the destitute (..)
2004, George Yúdice, The Expediency of Culture: Uses of Culture in the Global Era, Duke University Press, 122:
In the wake of the arrastão, for example, many middle-class people called for the elimination of the bus service from the Zona Norte to the Zona Sul.
2006, Enrique Desmond Arias, Drugs And Democracy in Rio De Janeiro: Trafficking, Social Networks, And Public Security, University of North Carolina Press, page 141:
At the time of the killings, Rio teemed with concern about burgeoning social violence as a result of the murder of eight street children outside the Candelária church at the hands of police, a spate of kidnappings, and a series of arrastões (mass muggings) on city beaches.
George Yúdice, Culture Based Urban Development in 2009, Rebecca E. Biron, The Urban Scene in Latin America , Duke University Press, pages 222–223:
In the final months of 1992 and again in the winter of 1993, youths from the outlying favelas launched a series of arrastões (looting rampages) that was opportunistically overdramatized by the media, (..)
2012, Celia de Anca, Beyond Tribalism: Managing Identities in a Diverse World, Palgrave Macmillan, page 54:
She finally was looking at the future with a little optimism until that day of May 2001 when the arrastão ended up with most of the merchandise she had managed to acquire.
2012, Cheryl Sterling, African Roots, Brazilian Rites: Cultural and National Identity in Brazil, Palgrave Macmillan, page 184:
Several arrastões, characterized as “looting rampages,” on the beach in Zona Sul in Rio sparked retaliatory killings of favela residents by the police.
(l) (gloss)
the (l) of (l) (l) something
(obsolete spelling of)


arrastão rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kaakao, pikakaakao, maitokaakao, faarao, farao

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