
Tarkoititko: arina

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oikein rightly Rightly, correctly; in the right way or form.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), I.56:

it is not easie we should so often settle our minds in so regular, so reformed, and so devout a seat, where indeed it ought to be, to pray aright and effectually: otherwise our praiers are not only vaine and unprofitable, but vicious.
puhekieltä To make right; put right; arrange or treat properly.
2003, John Beebe, Terror, Violence, and the Impulse to Destroy:
But, from working with those who have felt exiled and damned, excoriated and benumbed, and yet have made it back to useful and creative life again, I know there are more sure, albeit intense, ways to aright oneself.


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