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englanti puhekieltä to (l) (gloss)
to burn
Eſta e como Santa maria guardou ao fillo do judeu que non ardeſſe que ſeu padre deitara no forno.
: This one is (about) how Holy Mary protected from being burnt the son of the Jew whose father had lain him in the furnace.
puhekieltä to burn (gloss)
1607, w:Luís Vaz de Camões|Luís Vaz de Camões, s:pt:Rimas Rimas, s:pt:Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver|Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver:
Amor he hum fogo que arde ſem ſe ver
: Love is a fire that burns but is not seen
to be feverish
to feel a burning sensation
puhekieltä to burn, to blaze
to burn, to sting, to smart
to be in a feverish state of excitement
(manure) to rot


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