


  1. haapa



  1. alttarikomero, apsis, absidi, apsidi, syvennys, piispanistuin.

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absidi, apsis, alttarikomero, apsidi puhekieltä A semicircular projection from a building, especially the rounded east end of a church that contains the altar.
1960, Leo Steinberg, San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane: A Study in Multiple Form and Architectural Symbolism

The draughtsman could not have held the sheet with the apse at the tip, for then, instead of shading away from the edge, most of his hatched lines would begin in the uncharted middle ground of a shadeable area, to strike against the contour; (..)
The bishop's seat or throne in ancient churches.
A reliquary, or case in which the relics of saints were kept.
puhekieltä The nearest and furthest points to the centre of gravitational attraction for a body in orbit. More usually called an apsis.
puhekieltä An aspen tree.
aspen tree (gloss)



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