

  1. melkoinen, huomattava, varteenotettava, havaittava.

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huomattava, havaittava Large enough to be estimated; perceptible; considerable.
1865, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, ch. 15:

A grain of musk will scent a drawer for many years, and still lose nothing appreciable of its original weight.
1915, w:P. G. Wodehouse|P. G. Wodehouse, Something New, ch. 1:
For an appreciable time he did not think of rising from his seat.
2002, John J. Mearsheimer, "Realism, the Real World, and the Academy," in Realism and Institutionalism in International Studies (M. Brecher and F. P. Harvey, eds.), ISBN 9780472088591, p. 27:
If NEAsia were a zone of peace, those American forces would be unnecessary and they could be sent home and demobilized, saving the U.S. taxpayer an appreciable sum of money.


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