


  1. ärsyttää

Liittyvät sanat: annoyance



  1. ottaa päähän, ärsyttää, käydä hermoille, vaivata, kuluttaa vähitellen, kiusata, jäytää, hermostuttaa, häiritä, nälviä, suututtaa, vihastuttaa, ottaa kupoliin, vituttaa, ahdistaa, nyppiä, ärsyyntyä, pahastuttaa.

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hermostuttaa puhekieltä To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to bother with unpleasant deeds.

Say, what can more our tortured souls annoy / Than to behold, admire, and lose our joy?
{{quote-magazine|title=No hiding place


puhekieltä To do something to upset or anger someone; to be troublesome.
puhekieltä To molest; to harm; to injure.

to annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade

tapers put into lanterns or sconces of several-coloured, oiled paper, that the wind might not annoy them
puhekieltä A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes.
1532 (first printing), Geoffrey Chaucer, The Romaunt of the Rose:
I merveyle me wonder faste / How ony man may lyve or laste / In such peyne and such brennyng, / ... In such annoy contynuely.
(ca.) w:John Fletcher (playwright)|John Fletcher, “Sleep”:
We that suffer long annoy / Are contented with a thought / Through an idle fancy wrought: / O let my joys have some abiding!
1870, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude:
if she says he was defeated, why he had better a great deal have been defeated, than give her a moment's annoy.
puhekieltä That which causes such a feeling.
1594, William Shakespeare, King Rchard III, IV.2:
Sleepe in Peace, and wake in Ioy, / Good Angels guard thee from the Boares annoy ....
1872, Robert Browning, "Fifine at the Fair, V:
The home far and away, the distance where lives joy, / The cure, at once and ever, of world and world's annoy ....


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