


  1. merenkulku|k=en ankkuri

  2. ajankohtaisohjelman juontaja tai uutisankkuri



  1. ankkuri, naara, naara-ankkuri, haka, pihdit.

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ankkuroida, ankkuroitua puhekieltä A tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement.
puhekieltä An iron device so shaped as to grip the bottom and hold a vessel at her berth by the chain or rope attached. (FM 55-501).
puhekieltä The combined anchoring gear (anchor, rode, and fittings such as bitts, cat, and windlass.)
puhekieltä Representation of the nautical tool, used as a heraldry heraldic charge.
Any instrument serving a purpose like that of a ship's anchor, such as an arrangement of timber to hold a dam fast; a device to hold the end of a bridge cable etc.; or a device used in metalworking to hold the core of a mould in place.
puhekieltä A marked point in a document that can be the target of a hyperlink.
puhekieltä An anchorman or anchorwoman.
puhekieltä The final runner in a relay race.
puhekieltä A point that is touched by the draw hand or string when the bow is fully drawn and ready to shoot.
puhekieltä A superstore or other facility that serves as a focus to bring customers into an area.
2006, Planning: For the Natural and Built Environment (issues 1650-1666, page 15)

Supermarkets have also had to adjust. Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda have put a much greater emphasis on developing smaller high street stores or becoming anchors for mixed-used regeneration schemes (..)
puhekieltä That which gives stability or security.
Bible, (w) vi. 19
which hope we have as an anchor of the soul
puhekieltä A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together.
puhekieltä Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or arrowhead; part of the ornaments of certain mouldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor (called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue) ornament.
One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain sponges.
One of the calcareous spinules of certain holothurians, as in species of Synapta.
To hold an object, especially a ship or a boat to a fixed point.
To cast anchor; to come to anchor.

Our ship (or the captain) anchored in the stream.

To stop; to fix or rest.
My invention (..) anchors on Isabel.
To provide emotional stability for a person in distress.
To perform as an anchorman.


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