


  1. suurlähetystö


englanti puhekieltä The mission of an ambassador.


puhekieltä An embassy.
(..) thereupon the queen's majesty, trusting that the king of Spain was of the same mind, she did send a solemn ambassade of her privy-counsellors, whereof one was an ancient earl of the realm, the other also an ancient baron of the same, and others of the council of her state (..)
an embassy, diplomatic legation to permanently represent a foreign state at (the highest) ambasador's level
an ambassadorial mission
an envoy, spokesman
an embassy, diplomatic represention in a foreign state, notably headed by an ambassador
embassy (temporary mission representing a sovereign state)
puhekieltä embassy
an embassy


ambassade rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ukkossade, syyssade

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