


  1. rakastaa

Esimerkkejä amar sanan käytöstä:

Te amo. – Rakastan sinua.

Liittyvät sanat: amaryllis.


englanti bitter
to love, have great affection for, care about.
to love


to like

''Me amas mea genetori."

I love my parents.

El amis tua libro.

She loved your book.

to love, have great affection for.
to like, to be fond of.
bitter (gloss)
(apocopic form of)
small pit
puhekieltä (alternative form of)
song, singing
c. 1110, (w), ‘Canso’:
Ma dona m’assai’ e·m prueva, / Quossi de qual guiza l’am ....
: My lady tries to tempt me to find out how much I love her.
puhekieltä To love, to have great affection for.

Graças a você, agora nos conhecemos, nos casamos e nos amamos. — “Thanks to you, now we met, we married and we love each other.”

puhekieltä To have the ability to love, to feel love.

Pobre homem, em todos esses oitenta anos nunca amou de verdade. — “Poor man, in all those eighty years, never really loved.”

(pt-verb form of)
puhekieltä bitter, rancid
puhekieltä bitter, rude
basin, pool, bath
tank, cistern, vat
channel, trough
puhekieltä to love, have great affection for, care about.

Te amo. - “I love you.”

puhekieltä To love
puhekieltä To like


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