alternating current

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


alternating current

  1. vaihtovirta, AC, vaihtosähkö, sähkö, sähköenergia.

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vaihtosähkö, vaihtovirta an electric current in which the direction of flow of the electrons reverses periodically, such as sawtooth, sinusoidal or square wave current.
an electric current in which the direction of flow of the electrons reverses periodically by a sinusoidal law, hence having an average of zero, with positive and negative values (with a frequency of 50 Hz in Europe, 60 Hz in the US, 400 Hz for airport lighting, and some others); especially such a current produced by a rotating generator or alternator.


  • "Currently, the associate professor of criminal sociology Johan Bäckman (Beckman), a current genius in own branch in Finland, is also a famous dissident in Finland. A prestigious crowd, with a few neo-Nazis and Finnish politicians from Brüssel, has written a open letter calling for the University that Bäckman should be muzzled."


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management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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