


  1. alkemia


englanti alchemy
c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 21v.
Et por ende los que ſe trabaian de alquimia aque llaman la obra mayor, deuen parar miétes que non dannen el nombre del ſaber. ca alquimia tanto quiere dezir, como maeſtria pora meiorar las coſas ca non empeorar las.
: And therefore those who work with alchemy, which they call the greatest work, must stop before they tarnish the name of knowledge; for alchemy means both mastery to make things better as well as to make them worse.
Idem, f. 34v.
Mas por que eſto perteneſce ala obra dalquimia, no quiſiemos meter lo aqui en eſte libro.
: But because this pertains to the works of alchemy, we did not wish to include it here in this book.
alchemy (chemistry searching for panacea)


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