


  1. manteli



  1. syötävä pähkinä, makea manteli, manteli, konfetti, mantelipuu, Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus, Amygdalus communis, luumarja.

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manteli, makea manteli

mantelipuu puhekieltä A type of tree nut.
c. 1430 (reprinted 1888), Thomas Austin, ed., Two Fifteenth-century Cookery-books. Harleian ms. 279 (ab. 1430), & Harl. ms. 4016 (ab. 1450), with Extracts from Ashmole ms. 1429, Laud ms. 553, & Douce ms. 55 Early English Text Society, Original Series; 91, London: w:Routledge N. Trübner & Co. for the (w), volume I, w:Online Computer Library Center|OCLC 374760, page 11:

Soupes dorye. — Take gode almaunde mylke (..) caste þher-to Safroun an Salt (..)
1962 (quoting 1381 text), (w) & Sherman M. Kuhn, eds., (w), Ann Arbor, Mich.: (w), Special:BookSources/978-0-472-01044-8 ISBN 978-0-472-01044-8, page 1242:
dorrẹ&773;, dōrī adj. & n. (..) cook. glazed with a yellow substance; pome(s ~, sopes ~. (..) 1381 Pegge Cook. Recipes p. 114: For to make Soupys dorry. Nym onyons (..) Nym wyn (..) toste wyte bred and do yt in dischis, and god Almande mylk.
puhekieltä A small deciduous tree in family Rosaceae, Prunus dulcis, that produces almonds.
2004, (w), The Earth, Folio Society 2011, p. 3:
In early March the almonds are in flower, delicately pink, and there are washes of bright daffodils beneath the orchard trees; you can see women gathering them for market.
Other plants that produce almond-like nuts:
(taxlink), (vern), an ornamental shrub in family Rosaceae
(taxlink), (vern), a North American shrub in family Rosaceae
(taxlink), (vern) or (vern), North American shrub in family Rosaceae
Terminalia catappa, Indian almond or tropical almond, in family Combretaceae
(taxlink), (vern) or bitter almond, in family Proteaceae
puhekieltä The colour of the kernel of an almond without its shell and thin seed coat, a creamy off-white colour.

(color panel)

puhekieltä The color of an almond still covered by its skin, a shade of brown.

(color panel)

Anything shaped like an almond; specifically, puhekieltä a tonsil.
1828, David Craigie, Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy
The next set are shorter, and are more contracted or acuminated at their posterior end, where they are contiguous to the almonds or tonsils.
brownish Brownish, resembling the colour of an almond nut.


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big band, chateaubriand, dixieland, polterabend, jugend, boyfriend, underground

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