

  1. albumi



  1. albumi, valokuva-albumi, nimikirjoitusalbumi, nimikirjoitusvihko, kirja, volyymi, nide, levyalbumi, leikekirja.

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Liittyvät sanat: albumi.



albumi, levy

valokuva-albumi A book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs.
A collection, especially of literary items
1965, (w), w:Transactions of the American Philological Association|Transactions and Proceedings (Press of (w)), volume 96, page 364

This mixture was to be effected either by drawing the juries partly from the senate (of about 300 members), partly from an album of 300 equites (Plut. CG 5.2, Comp. 2.1), or by adlecting 600 equites into the senate and drawing the juries from this new senatorial order (Liv. Per. 60).
A phonograph record that is composed of several tracks
A jacket for such a phonograph record; an album cover.
A group of audio recordings, on any medium, intended for distribution as a group.
{{quote-journal|date=August 21, 2012|author=Jason Heller|work=The Onion AV Club
(l) (gloss)
An albumEnglish album.
(plural indefinite of)
(l) (book of photographs, stamps, or autographs)
(l) (vinyl record or group of audio recordings in any media)
(l) (all meanings)
albumEnglish album
(l) (book, LP)
(inflection of)
whiteness, white color
sclera, the white of the eye
albumen, the white of an egg
puhekieltä a blank tablet on which items were recorded, such as the tablet on which the edicts of the praetor were written
register, list of names
an (l) (qualifier)
puhekieltä (l)
an (l), a book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs
an album, a group of audio recordings, on any medium, intended for distribution as a group
a book of comic strips (an annual collection of daily strips)


  • "I have had a very difficult last 5 years or so. A lot of shit going on in my personal life. A lot of shit that made me very fucking angry. This album is the result. A healthy way to let it all out."


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