

  1. eristäytyminen, yksinolo.

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agromania, yksinolo, eristäytyminen An intense interest in agriculture.
1918, Steven L. Kaplan, Provisioning Paris, p. 413

These were the years of agromania, the efflorescence of interest in all aspects of the rural economy – a passion that was easy to caricature but that betrayed a genuine shift in notions of political economy and priorities and values as well as in loftier and more superficial forms of sensibility.
2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 169-70:
A wave of ‘agromania’ was triggered by the sudden appearance in the immediate aftermath of the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle of numerous tracts on improving farming – after more than a century of conspicuous silence on this front.


agromania rimmaa näiden kanssa:

nymfomania, narkomania, fennomania, romania, pyromania, erotomania, kleptomania

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