

  1. myöntää, tunnustaa; rak|en|ing myöntää tehneensä jtak

  2. päästää sisään; ottaa sisään (sairaalaan)

  3. ottaa jäseneksi, sallia

  4. ~ of sallia (tehdä mahdolliseksi)

  5. ~ to myöntää, tunnustaa

Esimerkkejä admit sanan käytöstä:

more than people like to 'admit'

They dont 'admit' minors.

Latecomers will not be 'admitted' until the interval.

Pensioners and the unemployed are 'admitted' free.

I was rushed to hospital, where I was 'admitted'.

This club did not 'admit' women until the 1980s.

Estonia was 'admitted' to the United Nations in 1991.

This 'admits of' one interpretation only.

In court, he 'admitted to' having lied to the police.

He 'admitted to' his guilt.

Liittyvät sanat: admittance



  1. hyväksyä jäseneksi, hyväksyä, ottaa vastaan, ottaa, suostua, ottaa mukaan, päästää mukaan, kelpuuttaa, päästää, ottaa jäseneksi, kutsua, hyväksyä uudelleen, päästää sisään.

Lisää synonyymejää



sallia, antaa mahdollisuus



ottaa mukaan puhekieltä To allow to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a place, or into the mind, or consideration; to receive; to take.

A ticket admits one into a playhouse.

They were admitted into his house.

to admit a serious thought into the mind

to admit evidence in the trial of a cause

puhekieltä To allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise.

to admit an attorney to practice law

the prisoner was admitted to bail

puhekieltä To concede as true; to acknowledge or assent to, as an allegation which it is impossible to deny; to own or confess.

the argument or fact is admitted

he admitted his guilt

she admitted taking drugs / she admitted to taking drugs

2011, Kitty Kelley, Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography ((ISBN)):
His sister, Patti, also admitted taking drugs, (..)
puhekieltä To be capable of; to permit. In this sense, "of" may be used after the verb, or may be omitted.

the words do not admit such a construction.

Four bells admit twenty-four changes in ringing.
puhekieltä To give warrant or allowance, to grant opportunity or permission (+ (m)).

circumstance do not admit of this

the text does not admit of this interpretation

puhekieltä To allow to enter a hospital or similar facility for treatment.
{{quote-journal|date=December 16, 2011
(inflection of)


admit rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jamit, geimit, keimit

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