


  1. apulainen, asistentti

  2. adjutantti


englanti puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
puhekieltä That is related to another functor by an adjunction.
puhekieltä Having a relationship of the nature of an adjoint (adjoint curve); sharing multiple points with.
1933, H. F. Baker, Principles of Geometry, 2010, Volume 5, page 103,
The sets A + A0, B + B0, together, form the complete intersection, with f = 0, of a composite adjoint curve of order m + k, consisting of the adjoint curve of order m through A + B, together with the non-adjoint curve ω = 0; and the set B + B0 consists of p points, and lies on i + j adjoint φ-curves of f = 0.
1963, Julian Lowell Coolidge, A History of Geometrical Methods, page 205,
As we have stated before, a curve f' is adjoint to a curve f if it have at least the multiplicity r_i-1 at each point where f has the multiplicity r_i. A first polar \sum_i y_i \left ( \partial f / \partial x_i \right ) = 0 is an example of an adjoint curve.
2016, Eugene Wachspress, Rational Bases and Generalized Barycentrics: Applications to Finite Elements and Graphics, page 216,
This imposes n(n - 3)/2 conditions on the n-gon adjoint curve.
puhekieltä The transpose of the cofactor matrix of a given square matrix.
puhekieltä transpose conjugate|Transpose conjugate.
puhekieltä Hermitian conjugate.
puhekieltä A functor related to another functor by an adjunction.
puhekieltä A curve A such that any point of a given curve C of multiplicity r has multiplicity at least r–1 on A. Sometimes the multiple points of C are required to be ordinary, and if this condition is not satisfied the term sub-adjoint is used.
An assistant mayor of a French commune.
deputy, assistant
puhekieltä adjunct
(past participle of)


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