


  1. la-v-taivm|3pperf|a|ct|ag|pperf=āct


englanti puhekieltä A former Roman unit of length, equal to 120 Roman feet (about 35½(nbs)m)
puhekieltä A former Roman unit of area, equivalent to a square with sides of 1 actus (about ⅛ ha)
(monikko) actu|lang=fr
made, done, having been done.
act, action, doing, deed
performance, behavior
a cattle drive, the act of driving cattle or a cart
a cattle path or narrow cart track
puhekieltä An actusEnglish actus: a former Roman unit of length equal to 120 Roman feet (about 35½(nbs)m)
puhekieltä An actusEnglish actus: a former Roman unit of area equivalent to a square with sides of 1 actusEnglish actus (about ⅛ ha)


actus rimmaa näiden kanssa:

sadatus, johdatus, suodatus, vuodatus, verenvuodatus, lainhuudatus, jauhatus, suodatinjauhatus, pannujauhatus, ajatus

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