

  1. kirottu, mokoma.

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kirottu, mokoma puhekieltä hateful Hateful; detestable.
ca. 1789, w:William Blake|William Blake, "s:Tiriel Tiriel",

Accursed race of Tiriel. behold your father // Come forth & look on her that bore you. come you accursed sons.
1819, w:Walter Scott|Walter Scott, w:Ivanhoe Ivanhoe, s:Ivanhoe/Chapter 35|Chapter 35,
Lo! they are charged with studying the accursed cabalistical secrets of the Jews, and the magic of the Paynim Saracens.
puhekieltä doomed Doomed to destruction or misery; cursed; anathematized.
1885, Charles Abel Heurtley (translator), The Commonitory of w:Vincent of Lérins|Vincent of Lérins, s:Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume XI/The Commonitory of Vincent of Lerins/Chapter 8|Chapter 8,
(..)—if any one, be he who he may, attempt to alter the faith once for all delivered, let him be accursed.
1912, w:Fyodor Dostoevsky|Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated by w:Constance Garnett|Constance Garnett, w:The Brother Karamazov|The Brother Karamazov, s:The Brothers Karamazov/Book III/Chapter 7|Book III, Chapter 7,
For at the very moment I become accursed, at that same highest moment, I become exactly like a heathen (..)
1955, w:J.R.R. Tolkien|J.R.R. Tolkien, w:The Return of the King|The Return of the King, s:The Return of the King/Book V, Chapter 10|Book V, Chapter 10
We did not come here to waste words in treating with w:Sauron Sauron, faithless and accursed; still less with one of his slaves. Begone!
(en-past of)


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