


  1. akatemia

  2. opisto, korkeakoulu



  1. akatemia, korkeakoulu, laitos, yritys, instituutio, oppikoulu, taideakatemia, tiedeakatemia, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Yhdysvaltain elokuva-akatemia, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, yläaste ja lukio, lyseo, lukio, yläaste, toisen asteen oppilaitos.

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korkeakoulu, akatemia


taideakatemia puhekieltä The garden where Plato taught. (defdate)Brown, Lesley, ed. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 5th. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
puhekieltä Plato's philosophical system based on skepticism; Plato's followers. (defdate)
An institution for the study of higher learning; a college or a university; typically a private school. (defdate)
A school or place of training in which some special art is taught. (defdate)

the military academy at West Point; a riding academy; the Academy of Music.

A society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science. (defdate)

the French Academy; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; academies of literature and philology.

puhekieltä The knowledge disseminated in an Academy. (defdate)
puhekieltä academia Academia.
A body of established opinion in a particular field, regarded as authoritative.
puhekieltä A school directly funded by central government, independent of local control.


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