


  1. apotti

Liittyvät sanat: abbedissa.


englanti puhekieltä Having visible (l) (l); having (l).
puhekieltä Having (l) (l) of a specified kind.
2007, The Advocate (issues 988-999, page 48)
Reality shows about lesbian surfers, on the other hand, are for fans of sex — or at least fans of sex among flat-abbed well-tanned women who also can grab a rail hang 10 or shoot a curl.
2011, David Brooks, The Social Animal: A Story of How Success Happens
Fortunately, God, in his infinite and redeeming mercy, had also sent down a tight-abbed, small-boned Chinese-Chicana woman to rescue the innocents.
abbot (superior or head of an abbey or monastery)
an abbot (superior or head of an abbey or monastery)
an abbot (as above)


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tweed, lied, LED

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