


  1. aarre

Liittyvät sanat: national treasure , treasure chest , treasure map



  1. omaisuus, taide-, kuvataide, taideaarre, varakkuus, rikkaus, aarre, arvoesine.

Lisää synonyymejää





antaa jllk arvoa, pitää suuressa arvossa

aarre puhekieltä A collection of valuable things; accumulated wealth; a stock of money, jewels, etc.
1883, (w), (w) Chapter 20

"Now," resumed Silver, "here it is. You give us the chart to get the treasure by, and drop shooting poor seamen and stoving of their heads in while asleep. You do that, and we'll offer you a choice. Either you come aboard along of us, once the treasure shipped, and then I'll give you my affy-davy, upon my word of honour, to clap you somewhere safe ashore.
puhekieltä Anything greatly valued.
Bible, Exodus xix. 5
Ye shall be peculiar treasure unto me.
1681, (w), (w)
I found the whole to answer your Account of it, a Heap of Jewels, unstrung and unpolisht; yet so dazling in their Disorder, that I soon perceiv'd I had seiz'd a Treasure.
1946, (w), Filipino Baby
She's my Filipino baby she's my treasure and my pet
Her teeth are bright and pearly and her hair is black as jet
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
1922, (w), A Flash of Gold
"Hello, Treasure," he said without turning round. For a second she hesitated, standing in the soft light of the lamp, the deep blue of the rug making a background for her, the black fur collar of her coat framing the vivid beauty of her face.
puhekieltä To consider to be precious.

Oh, this ring is beautiful! I’ll treasure it forever.

19th century, (w), s:The Old Armchair|The Old Armchair
I LOVE it, I love it ; and who shall dare
To chide me for loving that old Arm-chair ?
I've treasured it long as a sainted prize ;
I've bedewed it with tears, and embalmed it with sighs.
puhekieltä To store or stow in a safe place.
1825, (w), w:The Talisman (Scott novel)|The Talisman
The rose-buds, withered as they were, were still treasured under his cuirass, and nearest to his heart.


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force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure

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tratta, tratti, trauma, traumaattinen, treasury, treema

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