


  1. tulppa, tappi, korkki (purkissa tai tynnyrissä)

  2. tappi (veneessä)

  3. (jalkapallo) toppari

Liittyvät sanat: wad



  1. tulppa, tappi, korkki, pullonkorkki, korvatulppa, nokka, suukappale.

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korkki Agent noun of stop, someone or something that stops something.
2000, Carole B. Cox, Empowering Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (page 28)

Often, in our conversations we encourage people to talk, or we manage to stop them. This can happen without our even thinking about it. Following is a list of conversation starters and stoppers.
A type of knot at the end of a rope, to prevent it from unravelling.

Put a stopper in the knot.

A bung or cork.

We need a stopper or the boat will sink.

puhekieltä goalkeeper Goalkeeper.

Hes the number one stopper in the country.''

puhekieltä In the commodity futures market, someone who is long (owns) a futures contract and is demanding delivery because they want to take possession of the deliverable commodity.

Cattle futures: spillover momentum plus evidence of a strong stopper (i.e., 96 loads demanded) should kick the opening higher.

puhekieltä A train that calls at all or almost all stations between its origin and destination, including very small ones.
puhekieltä Any of several trees of the genus Eugenia, found in Florida and the West Indies.

the red stopper


A playspot where water flows back on itself, creating a retentive feature.
To close a container by using a stopper.

He tightly stoppered the decanter, thinking the expensive liqueur had been evaporating.

The diaphragmatic spasm of his hiccup caused his epiglottis to painfully stopper his windpipe with a loud "hic".

(present tense of)
stop (device to block path)
puhekieltä to stop

il faut stopper cette hostilité permanente

This permanent hostility must be stopped.


stopper rimmaa näiden kanssa:

per, vesper

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Läheisiä sanoja

stoola, stoori, stop, stoppari, stoppi, stout

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