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Liittyvät sanat: shitshow


englanti puhekieltä A chaotic and unpleasant or violent situation.
1948, Norman Mailer, The Naked and the Dead
The hell with Brown ... He's been missing all the shit storms. It's his turn.
1963, Kurt Vonnegut, Cats Cradle'', Chapter 110
'Sometimes the pool-pah,' Bokonon tells us, 'exceeds the power of humans to comment.' Bokonon translates pool-pah at one point in The Books of Bokonon as 'shit storm' and at another point as 'wrath of God'.
1999, Joseph Finder, High Crimes
"You and your cowboys just stirred up a shitstorm, agent."
2006, David Simon, Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets
In Baltimore, the general rule is that if something looks like a shitstorm, smells like a shitstorm and tastes like a shitstorm, it goes to homicide.
puhekieltä Considerable backlash from the public.
2010, Mungo MacCallum, The Monthly, April 2010, Issue 55, The Monthly Ptd Ltd, page 32:
When Abbott stated openly that his plan involved a new tax of 1.7% on large companies with big profit margins - those, in fact, most able to pay - he provoked a near universal shitstorm.

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