

quadriga, nelivaljakko, taisteluvaunut|p

nelivaljakko puhekieltä A Roman racing chariot drawn by four horses abreast.
1830, Charles Taylor, Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible, in five volumes, volume III, page 425

In the Vatican Library is a vase of terra cotta, on whose upper part we see delineated the sun and moon, in a quadriga, which proceeds forward travels, voyages, fulfils its course upon a ship. (..) Both these deities stand in a quadriga, which indeed is the vehicle proper to the sun, insomuch that the Rhodians every year threw into the sea a quadriga, dedicated to this divinity.
1898 (May), A. W. Hands, "Chats on Roman coins with young collectors", Monthly Numismatic Circular 66, col. 2719
On another denarius we see Victory holding a wreath and driving a quadriga(..)
puhekieltä A team of four horses, or sometimes other animals, especially as used in chariot racing.
English quadriga
ranska quadrige (m)
saksa Quadriga (f)
kreikka τέθριππο
italia quadriga (f)
latina quadrīgae (f)
puola kwadryga (f)
venäjä квадри́га (f)


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