


  1. fii



  1. kreikkalaiset aakkoset, kreikkalainen kirjaimisto, kreikkalaiset kirjaimet, kirjain, aakkoskirjain, aakkonen, fii.

Lisää synonyymejää



fii Φ, the 21st letter of the Euclidean alphabet|Euclidean and Greek alphabet|modern Greek alphabet, usually romanized as "ph".
puhekieltä The golden ratio.
A visual illusion whereby a sequential pattern of lights produces a false sense of motion.
1963, Psychology Through Experiment (George Humphrey, ‎Jaroslav Antonio Deutsch), page 90:

(..) tolerance (Frenkel-Brunswik 1949) for it showed that those persons with the strongest defences against internal conflict, i.e. obsessionals and conversion hysterics, were those least able to perceive the reality-conflicting phenomenon of phi.
2007, Wayne Weiten, Psychology: Themes and Variations: Themes And Variations, page 138:
The illusion of movement in a highway construction sign is an instance of the phi phenomenon, which is also at work in motion pictures and television.
2013, Francis Glebas, The Animators Eye: Composition and Design'', page 66:
Is it the phi phenomenon or the persistence of vision? Originally, the illusion of motion that movies excel at was thought to be the effect of the persistence of vision.
English phi (gloss)
English phi (Greek letter)
puhekieltä to gallop


to flee; to travel very quickly
to lance (gloss)
not, without, -less
if it isn't
to stir-fry (an onion, scallion, or clove of garlic) before preparing a dish
Various species of saltwater clam of the genus Sanguinolaria, such as Sanguinolaria diphos and Sanguinolaria planculata.
(l) (gloss)
(sino-vietnamese reading of)
{{sino-vietnamese reading of|


phi rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hi, šaahi, rahi, tahi, kaihi, harmaakaihi, viherkaihi, riihi, ideariihi, budjettiriihi

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

peuranvasa, peuranvirna, pH, pH-asteikko, phui, phyi

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